/Supporting Actions for The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War have its beginning all around the world
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Supporting Actions for The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War have its beginning all around the world

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Supporting Actions for The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War have its beginning all around the world

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 Supporting Actions for The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War    have its beginning all around the world


Supported by 70,000 global citizens from 135 countries in one month


There are actions from over 130 countries to support Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War in the whole month of April. The Declaration was proclaimed to bring all wars to an end and achieve peace in the world on March 14, in Republic of Korea. HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee has a key role in making a progress such advocacy activity, which is comprised of women, youth and social leaders in each country.


The Opening Ceremony of HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee has held all over the world such as Europe, Asia, and Africa and these Committees are actively working an online and offline signing campaign for implementation of International Law. The Opening Ceremonies also were held all over the Middle East from Palestine to Yemen and Iraq. Especially in Sana’a, Yemen, about 1,810 youths gathered for the signing campaign to promote this campaign and peace movement broadcasted by Yemen state-run TV. The HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee would gain 1,200,000 supportive signatures for the Declaration due on May. Already 110 countries have joined online campaign until now and it is expected that more and more people from all over the world would join in this peace movement. 


Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW) which is supported by all over the world, contains the Preamble and 10 Articles and 38 Provisions.


The preamble of the DPCW also introduces some of the cornerstones of the document, referring to specific values and purposes. The first half of the DPCW(Article 1 to Article 7) includes the content that advocates freedom, justice and peace and supports and intensifies the basic norm of international law about the role of country for cessation of war. Also, the last half of the DPCW(Article 8 to Article 10) has the distinctiveness with other Declarations. It includes the content that protects the freedom of religion and urges the implementation of law or policy for minimizing the religious conflicts. It also guarantees the necessary right and introduction of necessary policy as each country and local community spreading a culture of peace. There have been over 110 HWPL Peace Academies and 8 HWPL Peace Monuments for spreading a culture of peace. And we expect all people to promote peace awareness through peace walk, peace forum, and media coverage and so on.


Voluntary participation of Worldly-renowned international law experts led to being designated as HWPL International Law Peace Committee and they wrote the declaration. In the Middle East, there are three members of HWPL International Law Peace Committee, Ibrahim Mashhoor Hadithah Al Jazy in Jordan, Said El Dakka and Ahmed Mohamed Rifaat in Egypt.


HWPL is an international peace organization that is under the United Nations Department of Public Information, initially working to implement an enforceable International Law to cease fire of any kinds of war. You would be able to join in the urge for this on ( ).


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