الرئيسية / أخبار صيدا /أخبار صيداوية /Needed Proposal Executive Administrator for ISWA association

نص الاعلان / صيدونيانيوز.نت

جريدة صيدونيانيوز.نت / Needed Proposal Executive Administrator for ISWA association

جريدة صيدونيانيوز.نت / اخبار مدينة صيدا / Needed Proposal Executive Administrator for ISWA association

اعلام الرعاية - صيدا 


Job Title: Executive Administrator 

This position is responsible for supporting the day-to-day administration and operations. The concerned will assist in implementing the projects in the field. He should support in planning and managing the administrative work in the department in a quest to always develop work flows and procedures. Dealing with a variety of callers and visitors locally and internationally; therefore, ensuring the best communication and behavior is a must in a professional and man arable way.



