جريدة صيدونيانيوز.نت / UfM Foreign Ministers gather in Barcelona to strengthen Euro-Mediterranean cooperation amid regional tensions
The UfM is deeply concerned about the dire humanitarian catastrophe in the region and is committed to playing an active role in Gaza as soon early recovery is possible. It has already begun working on initiatives in this regard, including support for UNIMED and An-Najah National University’s Technical Education Support for Higher Education Student Initiative – TESI that is set to allow some 50,000 Palestinian higher education students to finish their studies online, and it is exploring others in areas such as employment, the water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE) nexus, or urban development.
“In my four decades of service, I have borne witness to countless crises and conflicts unfolding, yet never have I encountered a tragedy as profound as the one currently threatening the Mediterranean region. The humanitarian toll is staggering, with lives lost and families torn apart. The urgency for meaningful action has never felt more pressing,” UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel stated. “There are no shortcuts to peace; it is a journey demanding dialogue, political will, and fair solutions. In these trying times, the Union for the Mediterranean has strived to fulfil its mission, with the belief that advancing regional cooperation can offer glimmers of hope,” he added.
Built on the legacy of the Barcelona Process and its goals of shared peace, stability and prosperity in the Euro-Mediterranean region, the UfM is a leading multilateral institutional framework for dialogue and cooperation in the Mediterranean, with projects and initiatives that advance the role of women and young people, create jobs, facilitate trade and urban development, and engage in climate action and environmental protection.
The UfM reform process, launched in 2023 on the occasion of its 15th anniversary, focuses on strengthening the organisation’s mandate, capacities for action, and resources. The first reform package has led to measures such as the streamlining of regional dialogue platforms or the enhancement of communication with Member States, while the second phase set in motion this year has revolved around reflecting on the UfM’s future priorities and vision. At the 9th Regional Forum, ministers debated what these should be given the evolving regional landscape and acknowledged the UfM’s crucial role, its convening power, and its ongoing advocacy and relevance to the Euro-Mediterranean cause.
Co-chairs’ official statement
UfM Foreign Ministers gather in Barcelona to strengthen Euro-Mediterranean cooperation amid regional tensions